Such as my nephew who announced at the Thanksgiving dinner table years ago, at the age of 3, that he was thankful for his penis.
There was a time in my life when I would have been thankful for the big house I owned, or the new furniture that filled it, or the hot tub in my back yard, or my brand new pickup truck. Or the expensive vacations I was able to take.
But as I've mentioned before, the combination of becoming single again and the craptastic economy over the last four plus years has really brought me back to the basics in terms of what I'm thankful for.
Today, and every day, I'm thankful for...
My beautiful sons, who teach me almost as much as I teach them each day.
The roof over my head. I know firsthand how easily that can be lost.
The food I can provide for my sons.
The job I go to each day, happily, because it is so much better than the alternative.
My friends, perhaps some of the best people on this earth if you ask me.
My family. They have been there for me when I needed it, and even when I didn't.
Being able to see a special someone's smile or hear their laugh, and feel a butterfly in your stomach.
Music. The sweetest sound to my ears, which can soothe my soul easily.
Laughter. The second sweetest sound to my ears. Medicine.
That I was born in the greatest country on this Earth.
The fact that I'm an Iowan. Forever. No matter where I live.
And the list would not be complete without Iowa Hawkeye Football!
As you sit down to feast tomorrow, and begin listing off the things that you are thankful for, let me challenge you with this closing thought.
Why do we only do this one day a year? Why can't every day be Thanksgiving. Because let's face it, each and every day we wake up is a gift to be thankful for in and of itself.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and enjoy the Tryptophan!